All posts by Jennifer Collins

Jennifer L. Collins is a tattooed poet and animal lover who grew up in Virginia and has recently relocated to Cape Coral, FL, where she and her husband have five rescues—one neurotic hound, and four very spoiled cats. Her poetry has been published in various journals, such as The Rockford Review, Chelsea, 34th Parallel, Redivider, The Potomac Review, 13th Moon, and Post Poems; she was nominated for a Pushcart by Puerto Del Sol. Her first chapbook, Oil Slick Dreams, is available for sale from Finishing Line Press.

mechanics by Jennifer L. Collins


As if you’ve been given a how-to guide,
I come apart.
My breath lost to your eyes,
my hands held at my sides by your words,
my control lost in your kiss—
desire takes apart the bits of restraint
that have reminded me in the past
to be myself, apart from others,
and imagines me forward into a love
I’ve been given no map for.

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