A Difficult Conversation about Difficult Conversations forDeveloping Medical Educators of the 21st Century:
New Ideas and Skills
for Adaptable and Inclusive
Learning Environments Conference
February 4, 2022 (Revised, February 6, 2022)
Let’s start with today’s ground rules. None. No rules; no powerpoints.
But three hopes. That you speak honestly without obsessing about maybe saying the wrong thing, a bane to diversity discussions. That you contemplate divergent ideas. And that you reflect openly on your own perspectives by posting comments and questions in the chatbox as we go along.
So let’s turn to our theme, difficult conversations about diversity and health equity. Health equity conversations necessarily involve discomfort because they address the idea of group diversity, not just random individual differences.
Continue reading Challenges of Teaching about Diversity and Health Equity – by Carlos E. Cortés