Corporate Women in Tech Part 1 – by Tamara Backovic

Is Moving up the Corporate Ladder in Heels Mission Impossible?

In the recent period, impactful campaigns, such as #MeToo, have once again drawn attention to the issue of gender inequality. More precisely, the position of women in modern society has been discussed and dissected.

Even so, the statistics on women in tech show that women hold only 20% of all job positions in the industry.  Marginalization, in this case, is an understatement!

So, how can women overcome gender bias and climb the corporate ladder? Is 2020 the year to put an end to those patterns of behavior that discriminate against women and their accomplishments? Let’s find out.

How Prominent Is Gender Bias?

Of course, the world has changed a lot since the early days of the feminist movement. The position of women, at least in the US, has improved drastically in the last century.

Nonetheless, some industries and walks of life remain male-dominated. As we said earlier, the depth of gender bias is fascinating and shocking at the same time.

For instance, the statistics on women in tech also report that women take only 13% of positions of power in the field. In other words, the world of technology and engineering remains a male-centric environment.

So, what’s the catch? What makes the STEM fields an area where women’s creativity and courage are unable to shine?

Why Is the Tech Industry Male-Dominated?

Well, it seems that the marginalization of women starts at a very young age. To be precise, high school girls are often discouraged from joining in on STEM subjects. Yet, computer science stats show that women are more likely to earn degrees than their male counterparts.

Despite the recent progress, women are still perceived through the role of a mother. For that reason, the primary leadership role of a woman in most companies is in charge of the HR department.

What this means is that women are often responsible for emotionally-challenging tasks. The CEOs and executive boards will trust women to show more empathy than men when it comes to these delicate matters.

How Can We Tackle Gender Inequality?

At the same time, companies with women-dominated teams are dominating the performance metrics. According to statistics, such businesse s are 21% more likely to perform better than the national average.

Thus, it is clear that women can thrive in the tech world. They can increase innovation, but they can also boost corporate revenues. However, it is necessary to spread the word and raise awareness about the power that waits to be unleashed.

Proactive PR campaigns are one of the tools that we can use to fight against gender imbalance. Likewise, it is vital to diminish the effects of the so-called “bro culture” in the tech industries. By doing so, women will receive more opportunities, which will result in a better position for women across the globe.

Diversity in America is a hot topic, but other parts of the planet are not as active as the US. So, by raising awareness, we can have a global impact and promote gender inclusion on a massive scale.  

More Women in Leadership Positions

Of course, the lack of role models in the tech world is what prevents young women from entering the field in the first place.

Therefore, we must see more women in executive positions as soon as possible. The likes of Meg Whitman or Indra Nooyi should serve as the guiding light to thousands of other women in the tech field.

After all, women are as powerful as men, and they deserve equal opportunities. Only by leveling the playing field can we have hopes of seeing more women climb the corporate ladder. And yes, they could be wearing heels, so deal with it!

Final Thoughts

The discrimination of women in tech is unacceptable in today’s day and age. Now that we are on the verge of entering a new decade, women need to stand up for their rights and be more proactive than ever.

Equal pay, as well as growth opportunities, should be the priorities for those women who are looking to leave a better world to the next generation. In other words, it seems that a workplace revolution is upon us. The sooner you include women in the decision-making process, the better your corporate performance will be.

CLICK for Part 2

Tamara Backovic
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