All posts by Carlos Cortés, Joseph Kahne

ADR ADVISOR Carlos E. Cortés is a retired history professor who has been a diversity lecturer and consultant for forty-five years. His books include The Children Are Watching: How the Media Teach about Diversity and his memoir, Rose Hill: An Intermarriage before Its Time. He has served as cultural consultant for shows ranging from “Dora the Explorer” to “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” and edited the four-volume Multicultural America: A Multimedia Encyclopedia. Joseph Kahne is the Dutton Presidential Professor in the School of Education of the University of California, Riverside. His writing and school reform work focus on promoting equitable youth civic and political development. His work is available at

Diversity and Speech No. 37: Building a More Inclusive Democracy – by Carlos E. Cortés, Joseph Kahne

Carlos:  Joe, from the first time we had lunch together, I’ve been struck by one thing: like me, you really believe that you can make the world a better place.   Am I right?

Joe: I plead guilty to that one. 

Carlos: Maybe that’s one reason we hit it off so well from the beginning.  But it’s one thing to believe we can make a difference and another thing to actually make a difference.  

Joe: Agreed.  

Continue reading Diversity and Speech No. 37: Building a More Inclusive Democracy – by Carlos E. Cortés, Joseph Kahne