Category Archives: ADR Advisors

American Diversity Report Team: ADR Advisors

Why get “interested” in Artificial Intelligence – by Deborah Levine

Originally published in the Chattanooga Times Free Press

It was super exciting to be invited to the annual conference of Project Voice which has taken place in Chattanooga, home to the country’s fastest internet since 2016. Project Voice looks at artificial intelligence, but not the traditional artificial intelligence (AI) that analyzes historical data and makes future numeric predictions. Rather, the focus is on conversational and generative AI, terms I hadn’t heard until sitting in the conference. Conversational AI can hold two-way interactions with humans by understanding and responding in text or speech. Generative AI can take prompts and create all kinds of stuff that never existed before but are indistinguishable from human-generated content. I started to feel overwhelmed by this new information. 

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Praying for the Earth’s Healing – by Deborah Levine

 (originally published in the Chattanooga Times Free Press) 

Wacky weather is our new norm. I called my daughter in Maine to tell her about how we went quickly from 80 degrees to below freezing. She said, “weird”, but it didn’t compare to what she’s going through. At first she called it a “spring snowstorm”, but as it got worse, she named it a “snowpocalpse”. She lost power, the trees in her yard were downed and despite having a monster truck, she barely made it home from work. 

If there’s any doubt that climate change is a reality, pay attention to a recent headline in the Chattanooga Times Free Press that warned of “Brewing Storms” as alarmingly high ocean temperatures suggest a nasty hurricane season coming up. My friends in Bermuda are paying attention. The Bermuda Royal Gazette reports that  waters in the Atlantic’s main hurricane development region had temperatures 65 % hotter at the end of January than the next closest year. Temperatures recorded in March aren’t usually seen until mid-July. So late summer should be a hurricane doozy with rapidly strengthening storms, even close to land.

Continue reading Praying for the Earth’s Healing – by Deborah Levine

Freedom Essay – by Marc Brenman

Do we really need another essay on freedom? When’s the last time you read one? It’s good to be reminded occasionally of meaningful basics. We get accustomed to being unfree, so it’s a good idea to be reminded of what freedom is. It’s also useful to be reminded that freedom, in the form of unfree people, is at the root of the American birth defect. We fought a Civil War over that idea. It’s also useful to note that there are fake or faux freedoms, like the desire, effort, and ability to overthrow free and democratic elections, as Trump supporters and many Republicans attempted after the November 2020 elections. Jefferson Cowie in his book Freedom’s Dominion: A Sage of White Resistance to Federal Power, noted that the Right has turned “freedom” into a dog whistle. 

Continue reading Freedom Essay – by Marc Brenman

Mothers Day: Matriarch Training – by Deborah Levine

Mothers Day is a great American traditions, but I’m not sure I like it. Unhappily, I have a really big problem with these days because I don’t have the goods. My mother and grandmother who were such loving figures in my life are gone. My father, who I take after in so many ways, is gone, too. I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself.  My children live far away but will no doubt call or send a card. I’m grateful for their love but I would really like to call my own parents. Just knowing they were around made life balanced and feel more secure.

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Broadway songs for our sanity – by Deborah Levine

originally published in The Chattanooga Times Free Press

We live in a time of chaos and raging hate. How do we survive? The Arts can help and we should turn to them. My dad read poetry non-stop when serving as a US military intelligence officer during World War II. He said that’s how he kept his sanity dealing with the horrors of war. Dad summoned the Arts generations ago, when we moved reluctantly to American and us kids were heartbroken leaving Bermuda behind. He took us to art galleries and art museums and, fantastically, to a Broadway theater to see the musical, “West Side Story”. Wow! Maybe this America thing isn’t so bad!

Continue reading Broadway songs for our sanity – by Deborah Levine

Diversity and Speech No. 46: The Art of Turning 90 – by Carlos Cortés 

I never really thought much about turning 90.  That is, until April 6, 2023, the day I turned 89.  That’s when my daughter, Alana, asked me the life-altering question:  “Dad, what are you going to do special for your 90th birthday?”

“As little as possible,” I responded in my best bah, humbug voice.  “Maybe Laurel and I will go to Del Taco.”  Anything to avoid the deluge of obligatory phone calls and discordant group renditions of “Happy Birthday.” 

Continue reading Diversity and Speech No. 46: The Art of Turning 90 – by Carlos Cortés 

Holocaust education is necessary now more than ever – by Deborah Levine 

Originally published in The Chattanooga Times Free Press

When I was invited to give a webinar for Echoes and Reflections, an organization in partnership with Yad Vashem (The World Holocaust Remembrance Center), I freaked out. This was Big Time and I better be good at it. Reviewing my documentary: Untold, Stories of a World War II Liberator and my dad’s wartime letters, I was reminded that not long ago, I made a similar presentation at a Chattanooga high school. A student told me that she wanted to hear “both sides of the story”. I wondered what she was seeing online, and knew that these archival documents are still relevant today, and Holocaust education is even more so.

Continue reading Holocaust education is necessary now more than ever – by Deborah Levine 

The Deion Effect: Part Two – by Terry Howard

As Deion Sanders continues to hold the fascination of college football, even when his team loses, something else is happening wrote USA TODAY’s Mike Freeman:

“It may not make headlines, but it’s happening all across the country. In Black homes. In Black businesses. Black fathers and sons, Black moms and daughters, Black friends and workmates  so many in the Black community are talking about Sanders. They are saying that Colorado is Black America’s team.”

With that jaw-dropper segue from Part One of “The Deion Effect,” we turn to views from several sports enthusiasts who I asked to weigh in on this issue. And weigh in they did.

Continue reading The Deion Effect: Part Two – by Terry Howard

Enjoy sacred times with respect and joy – by Deborah Levine

Originally published in The Chattanooga Times Free Press

As we approach this year’s holy days, we know that faith can be a source of great inspiration. We also know that religions can also generate the most divisive forces on the face of the planet. There are wars fought in the name of religion, as the Middle East demonstrates and many people prefer to be in the unaffiliated or atheist categories rather than be associated with organized religion. But diverse religions are part of the world reality and regardless of your faith or non-faith, ignorance of religions and religious traditions doesn’t help anything. Religious literacy is a must-have when you encounter and/or work with diverse religions whether they are fellow employees, friends, markets, or communities. Yes, it’s a bumpy road, but well worth traveling.

Continue reading Enjoy sacred times with respect and joy – by Deborah Levine