originally published in The Chattanooga Times Free Press
It’s always a pleasure to attend community festivals that combine great fun with service to those in need. Over the weekend, I attended several of these events and I’ll be smiling over them for weeks. The first of these events was Derby Day on Saturday at the East Ridge Local Coffee. Derby Day was a fun way to support the East Ridge Needy Child Fund. This amazing organization does the important work of making sure that East Ridge children have shoes, clothes, toys and a food basket for the family.
I sat at the table getting ready to play Bingo, something I hadn’t done since my grandmother passed away decades ago. The ladies were all dressed in colorful outfits with adorable derby-like hats. I asked the young man sitting next to me about the lovely suit he was wearing. He showed me a photo of himself wearing the suit, standing next to his grandfather. “This is the man who taught me everything about being a gentlemen.” Yes, this was definitely a family affair.
I didn’t expect that to be the case when my hubby and I set off for Camp Jordan’s Taco Festival on Sunday. But as soon as we entered the camp from the parking lot, we heard children laughing and saw families gathering. Joining them, we found ourselves at a petting zoo. Fascinated by the combination of llama, camel, ponies, and lambs, I asked to speak with the owner, Tim Cox. When I asked him, “What were you thinking?”, he responded, “The animal industry was born into me.” It was his passion to raise the 200 exotic animals on his C.W. Farms, bring them out and share with others. “Lots of kids don’t get to experience animals like this.” His daughters and her friends were helping out with the exhibit and we stared, fascinated, as they fed the animals with baby bottles. Again, a family affair.
We roamed around the 175 stalls that included corporate vendors, family businesses, military booths, and dance studios. But suddenly, familiar music caught my attention. Slogging through the muddy field, I approached the stage where a celebration of Cinco de Mayo was being held. A chorus of women dancers in beautiful costumes were hypnotic in their performance to the Mexican music. Some of you may know that I was a dancer back in the day and actually had my own dance company. So you won’t be surprised that I was enthralled by the dozen dancers weaving in and out together. My body couldn’t help but move with theirs in time to the music.
But it was when a father and small daughter came on stage to dance together, that my eyes teared up. There are few duets that are more beloved than this. Talk about family!
There was a sign near the stage that read, “Touch the Sky Events”. When I looked it up online, I discovered that this is a faith-based company focused on providing family-friendly atmospheres that help change lives. The proceeds from these events benefit ministries that help people struggling with addictions, affairs, self-mutilation, and depression.
We are so fortunate to have so many community-minded events and talented artists in our area. Did you know that we have more than 3,000 nonprofits? So there are all kinds of events to attend and community charities to support. Check out this newspaper’s event calendars, see what festivals, concerts and artists have charitable organizations involved. Make plans to go and take your kids and grandkids with you. Invite neighbors and friends to join you. Combining good works and having fun can be your family affair and our community’s asset.
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