DEI Decision Making

Everett Harper Podcast: DEI Decision Making

DEI Decision Making Everett Harper is an entrepreneur, strategist, and the CEO and Co-Founder of Truss, a technology infrastructure company.  In his new book, “Move to the Edge, Declare it Center,” Harper shares effective methods for decision making in situations where there may be a lack of complete information, ways to sustain teams during uncertain and stressful periods, and effective techniques for managing personal anxiety—a crucial leadership skill.
Hear Everett discuss:

  1. Does being a Black CEO influence how you lead, solve problems and build teams?
  2. Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important for companies?
  3. Advice  to companies that aren’t currently diverse, but want to start addressing the issue?
  4. How to create measurable and sustainable diversity, equity and inclusion processes – and how companies can begin to adopt them to achieve their business goals.
  5. Navigating tragedy and the unknown, and how leaders can apply these life lessons to their organizations.

Everett CLICK to hear podcast

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