All posts by K. Palmer Hartl

Rev. K. Palmer Hartl graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary where he received an MDiv, with a concentration in counseling and group dynamics that led to a career as a pastoral psychotherapist. He later became a leadership and management consultant and worked for Ernst and Young and as Sr. V. P. of Training & Development for a bank holding company. Rev. Hartl has been an independent consultant since 1991 and is also a Parish Associate at Christ Church Philadelphia where he teaches, counsels, and preaches. His book, The Ten Commandments of Management, is available for purchase at Amazon.

5 Ways to Promote Civil Discourse – By K. Palmer Hartl

Do we have to continue with “I’m okay and you’re an idiot” in our political life? The short answer is no, but getting there will not be easy. For months now we have been subjected to unremitting political ads that attempt to portray the opponent as a bad person. “They will do this to you”…… “They are this (negative) kind of person” and so on. As people came out of the polls from recent elections, one of the common things said was how people were looking forward to the end of relentless attack ads.

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