Transforming Implicit Bias


Editor-in-Chief Deborah J. Levine

This presentation is based on  The Un-Bias Guide Series which is the basis for transforming unconscious bias into conscious choices. The 4-Step process is based on the ADR’s copyrighted Matrix Model Management System which combines the strategies of urban planning, the cultural anthropology principles of Claude Levi-Strauss, and the science of storytelling.

Who Should Attend

Managers and team leaders looking to avoid  unconscious bias that interferes with knowledge management, team productivity and inclusion efforts.
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Deborah Levine is a Forbes Magazine Diversity and Inclusion Trailblazer, award-winning author of 15 books, Editor-in-Chief of the American Diversity Report, and host of the ADR Podcasts. She has 33 years experience in diversity training and Leadership coaching. Deborah has a Bachelor’s in Cultural Anthropology, Master’s degrees in Urban Planning and Religious Studies, and Research Fellowships in Arts & Culture. She founded the Southeast Women’s Council on Diversity, and duPage/Chicago Interfaith Resource Network. Her pioneering inclusion work has been recognized by the Women’s Foundation for World Peace, TN Economic Task Force on Women and the American Planning Association/Chicago . She has been featured in The Chicago Tribune, Harvard Divinity School Journal, and The Online Wall Street Journal.


The Un-Bias Guides are a cognitive technology for transforming unconscious bias by reshaping thinking and building new neural connections. This presentation addresses takes participants through a 4-step process based on the Matrix Model Management System: 1) Storytelling Communication: use stories and cultural expression to communicate across cultural boundaries, 2) Emotion Metrics: build internal & team measurements for comfort levels, 3) Wisdom: develop wise decision making using Knowledge, Character, Vision, and Action, and 4) Application of this neuro-communication to planning strategies.

Participants Will Learn How To…

1)  Communicate Effectively with stories that reach across cultural differences and increase awareness of unconscious biases.

2)  Manage Conflict by developing internal & team metrics that enhance emotional intelligence.

3)  Problem Solve by applying #1 and #2 to decision making strategies

4)  Implement Planning Strategies that ensure relevancy and sustainability.


“Deborah is a Change Agent, a thought leader. She was an advocate for diversity and inclusion long before it was popular, a current trend of events. It can be lonely at times doing this kind of work when others do not understand or get it. Seems like more people are getting it. Deborah is a true pioneer. I am proud to call her my colleague and friend.”
~Mauricio Velasquez, President/CEO Diversity Training Group

“When Ms. Levine introduced her story methods and Matrix Model System, lights bulbs went off. Telling our stories breaks down barriers and lets us react on a different level.”
~ On-Line Wall Street Journal

“Deborah Levine leads Un-Bias trainees through a discovery process that promotes awareness of the unconscious, deeply held cultural views that we all carry.  When those views are examined and shared, a new paradigm of equity and insight begins to evolve. Ms. Levine’s revelatory trainings, smattered with humor, challenge existing notions of diversity and unleash opportunities for leaders and change makers to shape a more inclusive and representative future.”
~ Rebecca Whelchel: Executive Director, Metropolitan Ministries/Social Services

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