Tag Archives: 2025

Leadership in Chaotic Times – by Zen Benefiel

A Call to Action for Unity and Purpose

In the age of rapid global changes and persistent uncertainties, leadership has become a critical beacon guiding humanity through uncharted waters. From ecological crises to technological disruptions and social divides, our chaotic times demand not just decision-makers but visionary leaders who prioritize the collective well-being and long-term sustainability of our world. True leadership lies in forging authentic connections while remaining steadfast in purpose, balancing the immediate challenges with a broader, future-focused vision.

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In recent years American public discourse has often heard the term “transactional morality.” In simple terms it means that getting to a social gol that is deemed worthy of pursuit can be carried on with little or no determined moral constraints. Flexibility is its prime characteristic. And that flexibility can include lies, deliberate misinformation and governmental control of public communication.
I perceive transactional morality gaining an increasing foothold in American society as we enter 2025.  In my judgment this trend
must be confronted head-on with a strong counterweight.  Such a counterweight is the Global Ethic. which emerged from the 1993 convening of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago.  This 1993 convening celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the initial parliament that was part of the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago.


Well, did I answer your question “Deb?” – by Terry Howard

    “We write history, not erase history.” ~ President Joe Biden 

“Deb,” the editor of one of several global publications I write for posed the following question to me and her other columnists who write on issues of culture, religion, race and other issues:

What do you consider the most critical issue facing our nation in 2025?

Wow, where do I start? 

Well, after mulling through a list of top of mind burning issues for me, I kept circling back to the first on that list that crossed my mind….banning books altogether or, at a minimum, rewriting ugly aspects of African American history – think slavery – in the U.S.

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A realistic approach to 2025 – by Marc Brenman

“When You Stare into the Abyss,
the Abyss Stares Back” ~Nietzsche

The most important event in the new year for the United States will be Trump’s resumption of the Presidency. Will this mean the end of American democracy, as he has pointed to with pronouncements like being a dictator, inciting insurrection, encouraging legal prosecution of critics and Democratic legislators, opposing a peaceful transition of elected power, nominating bizarre people for the highest Executive Branch positions, etc?

There has been much discussion as to what good-thinking people should do. Much of the verbiage concerns self-care, marching around, doubling down on beliefs unpopular with half the American electorate, etc. This reminds me of trigger warnings, safe spaces, and correct pronouns. I’ve been focusing instead on the following:

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Trends 2025: Our ADR 1,2,3 Analyses 


The Trends category has become an annual theme for the January and February issues of the ADR. We set the tone for your articles with a preview article like this one. For many of us, including Advisory Board members of the American Diversity Report, the new year and incoming administration brings a level of uncertainty and concern. There are many questions about the impact on those actively engaged in the work of creating and fostering diverse and inclusive communities and organizations. 

Anticipating 2025, several of our Advisors shared their innermost thoughts and concerns, plus their personal goals in continuing and building on progress during what portends to be challenging times. They have set the tone for your comments and articles on 2025 trends.

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