Is your community, school, or workplace experiencing tensions over religious diversity? Are conflicts over religious expression eroding team spirit and blocking the flow of information? Award-winning author, Deborah Levine, shares one of her 3 religious diversity books, Religious Diversity in our Schools, updated for current challenges of diverse religions living together.
Dr. Charles C. Haynes, Director of the Religious Freedom Education Project at The Newseum
Senior scholar at the First Amendment Center
“If we are going to live with our deepest differences and build a nation out of these differences, then we must learn about one another in our classrooms. This case study is good evidence that, when properly understood and applied, the religious liberty principles of the First Amendment protect the conscience of every parent and student.”
M. Susan Savage, former Mayor
Tulsa, Oklahoma
“It’s troubling to see the rights and dignity of minorities ignored in the name of religion. Your book gives good, practical advice for educators and all of us who are called upon to demonstrate commitment to inclusion. The section which clarifies public secular, and religious holidays is especially helpful.”