Tag Archives: Sipes

Leonard Sipes – Crime, Justice & the Media

sipesSipes has 35 years of national & state experience as media affairs & social media manager. He served as the Sr. Public Affairs Specialist for a federal justice agency and has over 50 awards for his media relations work.     – http://leonardsipes.com

A former police officer, Sipes managed America’s most popular audio & video podcasting site for crime & justice issues. He was the primary spokesperson on crime prevention for the federal government for 10 years, advised presidential & gubernatorial campaigns, and owns/writes for Crime in America: http://crimeinamerica.net.

A graduate of Johns Hopkins University, Sipes is a former Associate Professor for criminology & public affairs and the author of Success With the Media: Everything You Need To Survive Reporters and Your Organization (Available at Amazon: https://amzn.com/151948965X)

CLICK to hear Leonard’s Podcast Interview