All posts by Abigail Mann

Abigail Mann majored in Communications and minored in Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Her specialities include podcasting and feminist-oriented art production.

Navigating Gender Non-conforming Pronouns – by Abigail Mann

When I first met my partner, I could not grasp their pronouns for the life of me. In all honesty, I had never made acquaintances with a non-binary person until I met Koy in college. On the way to visit them, I would repeat “they, them, they, them, they, them” out loud behind the steering wheel. Of course, Koy and their friends would politely correct me each time I slipped up. Hey, we all have to learn at some point. Because the fact of the matter is: not everyone is comfortable with the gender that was assigned to them at birth. With the rapid discourse on gender expression changing every day, it’s imperative that we learn. I learned, and so can you. 

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