All posts by Alfred Bolden III

Alfred Bolden III has studied Communication and Business Management at the U. of TN/Chattanooga. He has high performing autism.

The Autistic Wanderer – by Alfred Bolden III

Have you ever thought about how you think differently than others? My story starts when I was little in a place called Tennessee. I was 2 or 3 years old at this time. At this stage of age, toddlers like me are supposed to talk or speak in little sentences. Well…according to my mom I didn’t exactly speak “normally” like the rest of my family. My mom, who’s a doctor, told me that I spoke in one or two syllable words. Sometimes if I was asked to repeat a word I would but I wouldn’t speak in clear sentences.

 Fast forward to when I turned 5, after my younger twin brothers were born, my parents (mostly my mom) would begin to notice how strange I acted at the time. I don’t know what exactly the details were, but my mother told me that I was quiet and liked to have fun with myself. My mom and dad thought back to when I was 3: I showed signs of having Aspergers or high-functioning autism. However, being the good parents they were, they didn’t want to assume it onto me early. Back to my 5th year of age, they decided to get a check up on me; to their surprise, it turns out they were right. I did have high functioning autism.

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