All posts by Kathleen Sullivan

Kathleen is a devoted mom and social worker who educated the public about the effects of organized human mind control experimentation and other kinds of Extreme Abuse since 1996. After retiring from nonprofit advocacy work in 2014, she has continued to track and bring attention to societal issues that can negatively impact the safety and welfare of our children and future generations.

Our Society has Finally Reached the Tipping Point – by Kathleen Sullivan

For over two years now, every day and night, I have been scanning the media comments sections of mainstream media articles to gauge social ebbs and flows.  And I have been tracking the influence of obviously professional trolls and bots. (I should write a thesis about their unfortunately profound influence.) I have been alarmed at how they have been largely successful in guilting, deriding, confusing, distracting, frightening, and shaming genuinely concerned, good-hearted commenters from taking solid, necessarily no-holds-barred action to reverse major societal and political wrongs and destructive movements and trends that have drastically increased in power and control during the same time period.

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