All posts by Ken Granderson

Ken Granderson is a native and repatriated resident of the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, after attending college and spending most of his adult life in the Boston area. Ken is passionate about using technology for collective and individual progress, and has manifested this passion by creating educational and empowering software applications and web sites like his primary business

Entrepreneurship as a Black Humanist – by Ken Granderson

My name is Ken Granderson. I was born in New York City in 1963, and grew up in a blue-collar household. Like most Black Americans, I grew up in a religious background surrounded by both very religious and very sincere adults.

I have no negative experiences to speak of from my days growing up in the church. The church I attended tended was very moderate and the biggest thing that we kids had to worry about was strict older church ladies.

And it is safe to say that I’ve been a Humanist my entire life – long before I ever learned the word.

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