In unfairness to them both, while Hermon Johnson, Jr. Museum director, and Darryl Johnson, Sr. CEO, Mound Bayou Movement, provided a captivating history of Mound Bayou, Mississippi, I couldn’t shake an image nearby. I mean, never in my life could I imagine sitting less than ten feet from the wooden desk and tattered leather chair where once sat the late civil rights activist Medgar Evers cranking out letters on a black typewriter. I walked over to the desk, inhaled, and fought back a desire to touch either it or the chair.
So, what brought me to this indelible moment in my life, one that evoked such an incompatible mix of emotions, among them shock, anger, pride and above all…. inspiration?
Continue reading Near Medgar Evers’ Chair: Mound Bayou (Part 1) – by Terry Howard