Letter to Bella about Pasta – by James Ortiz

Bella, my dear friend, I hope that you have been doing well since I last saw you. I really do appreciate you taking care of Mom in my brothers and I’s absence, but I cannot afford to get sick at this time. However, I plan to visit later this week to help take care of her and the house to ease your burden just a bit.

With her falling ill, I imagine that the task of preparing food has been designated to you in my absence. I have nothing short of absolute faith in your abilities, as you have helped taste test many dishes as well as provide your deft service of cleaning plates as my sous chef. With that said, Bella, given your current stature, I feel like I would be remised if I didn’t share my insights and advice to you, so that you may not have to carry this responsibility on your own.

Pasta will likely be a very easy meal to prepare, but there is one crucial element of it which I wish to discuss in detail: the pasta sauce. You have many options to choose from, but in this situation, you are limited to what is currently in the pantry until I come to visit. Pasta sauces come in many varieties, some of which you are more fond of than others, but here I wish to discuss the intricacies of tomato-based sauces which may not be apparent at first glance.

Perhaps the simplest application of tomato sauce you have access to is ready-made jarred sauce. While it may be found lacking in some areas, for instance you find it much too sweet, its convenience cannot be understated. Simply pairing your boiled pasta with a generous splash of heated tomato sauce is a plenty serviceable way of making sure everyone is fed. And as mentioned earlier, this option is certainly among the most economical. As Mom jokingly says, our late great grandmother is probably rolling over in her grave at the thought of us using jarred sauce, but with all due respect to her, there are times when compromise is necessary. Giving oneself the grace of better allocating one’s time is a valuable lesson which I want to share with you, Bella.

Although you are quite the expert at helping Mom with her gardening, from digging holes to keeping various creatures away from her flowers, I have not yet started gardening as I previously mentioned to you. There is much to gain from walking through husbandry, and it is good to take reasonable pride in your work, but once again, time seems to be escaping me now more than ever. I am quite happy with my new job and the new semester, and I have gotten to meet quite wonderful people, but finding time to set aside and truly reflect has proven to be rather challenging. Hard work should be rewarding and fulfilling, but not at the expense of one’s quality of life.

My favorite method of making tomato sauce is to make a large amount of it at a given time, then freeze the leftovers for later use. I cannot recall whether or not there is pasta sauce in the freezer, but we certainly should have canned vegetables in the pantry which you can use. Planning for the future is another important life lesson which I want to share with you, Bella. With everyone leading such a busy and widely different life, it can be hard to put yourself as a priority and make sure your needs are met. Both of us have very giving personalities, but your cup needs water in it so that you may help fill someone else’s.

Our spices and seasoning are in the cabinet to the top left of the stove, with other ingredients being in the refrigerator. While I have no doubts that your acute tastes will lead you to using the right quantities of each herb and spice, do keep in mind that everyone likes their pasta sauce just a little different. For instance, since you’re cooking for both Mom and yourself, I would recommend not using any red pepper flakes in the sauce since she doesn’t like spicy things. It’s never a bad idea to base your decisions on the input of those around you, but ultimately the only person who can make decisions for you is yourself, Bella. Don’t selfishly put your wants in front of those of others, but don’t let yours be taken for granted, either.

No pasta is complete without a mountain of cheese to complement it. We should have some grated parmesan in the fridge, one which is actual grated cheese, and the other a bottle of white powder which tastes like cheese. With the adornment of cheese, you can use it to adjust the flavor of each person’s pasta at the table, putting the initiative in the hands of each individual. There is always time to make change, but you must be willing to take the first steps towards it.

Ultimately, much like in preparing pasta, you have as much control over your actions and influence over those you involve yourself with as they do in turn. It’s easy to get lost or lose focus in what direction you may be going, or what exactly you want to be doing for yourself, but know that seldom are you ever truly alone. Life is a coalescence of everyone’s experiences and beliefs, so do not shy away from basing your beliefs and perspectives from the world around you. In doing so, take care that you do not lose sight of what makes you unique. You change the world as much as it changes you, and denying people the help and wisdom you bring forward would surely be a tragedy.

I look forward to seeing you again, Bella. Please continue to take care of Mom until I can come to visit. Perhaps when I’m less busy, you can help me make our garden near where you always dig at the foundation of the house.

James Ortiz
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