As we can see trends in 2020 around Diversity and Politics seem less than positive as things in the US seemingly can not evolve past party over politics. While that appears in the political arena, the fact that economy is full stream ahead, that helps people feel hopeful.
Diversity is still of concern, as it gets caught up in politics. Our national motto is E Pluribus Unum which means Out of Many….One. This speaks to our two greatest strengths – unity and diversity. When our unity is weakened our diversity is weakened because when we aren’t fully appreciative of each other’s heritage, ethnicity or beliefs, we are not at our best.
When we are fully pluralistic and totally appreciate of every single individual as equal under our constitution, we are strongest However, we have actually been through more difficult times than these as history reveals.
The critical question is…..will leadership once again pull us together and face the future as One Nation- One People? Leadership has always been essential to progress in the United States. Hope springs eternal so it is important to keep the hope that we will bounce back once again unified and strong. Therefore continuing to highlight the bright spots as ADR and other outlets do, will help to spring that eternal hope
~ Sheila Boyington
2020 will be a New Beginning as we approach the 400th anniversary of the landing at Plymouth Rock. It will be a world turning a corner, We will look backward 400 years and correct the inequalities. Men and women will become equal in developing this New Beginning. All faiths, races, cultures, and nations must respect their differences and celebrate their similarities and work together to identify and solve local community problems and share this information globally. The Red, Black, Yellow and White Nations must stand up and realize we are really one race, just different shades.
We need to build on the 400-year assessment of the past and look forward to the next 400 years where God is released from being locked away in the hearts of the selfish, greedy, power-hungry citizens. ADR is developing a platform using local Mayors of cities and towns to do this from the grassroots upwards. Our five-year plan is being developed in cooperation with the U.N. World Interfaith Harmony Week Project, the World Conference of Mayors, and the Historic Black Townships and Settlements Alliance. We will be expanding the ADR City of Chattanooga Council Against Hate globally.
~ Howard Comen
We each have a responsibility to give back to our communities. I choose to give back by addressing socio-economic diversity through building relationships across socio-economic boundaries. Giving back in this way provides you as a leader the opportunity to elevate key leadership skills. When there is no paycheck between you and someone you want to help, then you can elevate your skill building mutual trust and respect. They may first question your motives when you take a personal interest in them and in their situation.
Through establishing mutual trust and respect, you will discover an abundance of untapped potential. You can also discover leadership potential hidden within you. When you help them see and unleash their potential, you will elevate your skill to change the lives of the people you lead by unleashing their hidden potential. What you learn as a mentor or tutor to help someone from a different socio-economic status will make you a more effective leader. If you mentor or tutor a child or youth from across socio-economic boundaries, then do this without critically judging their parents. When you critically judge their parents, you undermine how the children and youth see themselves because of the bond between parents and their children.
~Keith Weedman
CLICK for ADR Advisors Part 1
- Arwen Lewis Podcast– Under the Stars - September 2, 2024
- Welcoming Moments of Nature – by Deborah Levine - August 26, 2024
- Can’t We All Stop the Political Violence – by Deborah Levine - August 19, 2024