It’s not unusual for me to be on the receiving end of sarcastic comments in response to something I wrote. It comes with the territory. In fact, I’ve grown to relish the barbs, and on occasion will use them as teachable moments. Here’s the latest one from “Cynical Cedric” followed by a teachable moment checklist:
“Hey Howard, we’ve noticed that you’ve been strangely silent on the sexual assault stuff that’s been in the news lately. I think that many women are paranoid and worry too much about something that probably won’t happen to them. This stuff is largely overblown.”
Well, here’s my response to “Cynical Cedric” and other men. Men, privately read down the following checklist and in the space on the left put a check mark if you take those precautions (women are encouraged to do the same):
_____ I take extra care in how I dress to avoid unwanted attention
_____I check the backseat of my car before climbing in
_____ I never put my drink down and come back to it later
_____ I always watch when my drink is being poured
_____I have an unlisted phone number
_____ I have a male voice on my answering machine
_____ I avoid using public parking garages when alone
_____ I avoid getting on an elevator with a group of men
_____ I vary my route to work and home
_____ When out shopping I park in well lighted spaces and scan the area around me
before getting out of my car
_____ I don’t use public rest stops during interstate driving
_____ I don’t use headphones while jogging
_____ I avoid renting first floor apartments
_____ I go out in groups whenever possible
_____ I always meet first dates in public places
_____ I make sure I always have cab fare
_____ I try to have enough gasoline to avoid having to stop for fuel
_____ When I need gasoline, I always find stations that are well lighted and busy
______ I always keep doors locked while driving, especially when I stop at stoplights
_____ I make sure my family knows my itinerary
_____ I make sure that the garage door is closed all the way before driving off
Okay “Cedric,” and men in general, ask yourself if none of the above apply to you, what are the chances that women in your life would check off many, if not all, of the above precautions? And how willing are you to share this article with the women in your life (directly or via social media), particularly those getting their driver’s licenses for the first time or are about to be off to college, work, a trip alone, a date, party, etc.?
And women, what else is missing from the list, proven precautions that you’d strongly advise?
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