Year End Poem Revisited — by Sanjay Prasad

The solemn year ends, songs and rejoicings amidst anxiety
The summit ended with no concrete solution
The emissions continue so does the carbon level rise
The nature held in ransom with all the deeds of man
The coronation of a new leader ushered with lots of hope
Anxious to end terrorism, global warming and bring peace
would end up as faux pas with the human lives at stake.
With closed eyes I say my Last Prayers that could be heard,

Countries under loan debts and recession wait for revival
Poverty, crime, and corruption seen in plentiful everywhere
A man or woman have no destiny as jobs are lost everywhere
time ticks away and there is no answer found as the year ends
Promises laid down and forgotten to be put on force
All that is seen on paper are never ever implemented for people
The summit will take place again new laws will be on paper
Development will be on a standstill as the leaders argue
with closed eyes I say my Last Prayers that could be heard.

The terrorism spreading all across the neighboring land
The governments blame to escape the hounds,
the compromises were made for satisfaction,
survival and concern were never in the agenda,
Whispers were never heard, nor mentioned, or tried,
The crossroads where the human life now stands
Love, relations, and honesty has no place
No on cries weeps or tries to live in heaven,
with closed eyes I say my last prayers that can be heard….

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