Tag Archives: neuroscience

Diversity and Speech No. 42: Neuroscience of Team-Building – by Carlos Cortés, Angela Antenore

A Co-Authored Interview

Carlos:  Angela, what drives you as a national and international organizational development specialist, particularly where it comes to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging?

Angela: I’m excited about helping people lead, build effective teams, and create a sense of community.  One of my roles is to support the mission of organizations.  What drives me is to help people feel valued and recognized for their accomplishments.

Carlos: You’ve talked to me about how an understanding of neuroscience can help in reaching these goals.  Could you elaborate? 

Continue reading Diversity and Speech No. 42: Neuroscience of Team-Building – by Carlos Cortés, Angela Antenore

From Virus-Suppression to Workplace Return – by Deborah Levine and Cathy Light

How Leaders & Employees
Go from Fear to Optimism:
          One TEAM again

The new norm of work is a challenge for businesses and the workforce. No one is exempt from the challenges we face during this period of isolation.  Even those who are used to working virtually will have new demands placed on them. Teams will be forced to communicate differently and accommodate home-based needs. Team leaders must find ways to collaborate and move forward despite unprecedented uncertainty. Business owners can find themselves in a fight for survival while not only maintaining the ability to restart operations, but implementing creative ways to make that transition. How are we going to manage all this? Continue reading From Virus-Suppression to Workplace Return – by Deborah Levine and Cathy Light